Wednesday 23 December 2015

How To: Silver/Lilac Hair

If like me you have spent literally FOREVERRRR trying to get your hair this colour, fear no more. I found a way!! To get your hair the same as mine (below) keep on reading!!

Now, everybody knows that bleaching hair can be a risky one. But after trying so many different hair dyes and never bleaching my hair, I had a "fuck it" moment and decided to go for it. My hair is naturally a dark/dirty blonde, which has been coloured with box dyes OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN! so my only option to get it this light was to hit the bleach. Before bleaching my hair, It was an all over yellow toned blonde. My hairdresser bleached it for me, concentrating mainly on my roots, and brushing the bleach through to the ends of my hair. (The ends of my hair was a lot lighter, so no need to bleach all over) But if you are a dark hair colour, whack it on all over!

Once bleached a blue/purple toner was put on my hair immediately after rinsing off the bleach, this was then left on for about 20minutes to half an hour. If you have thin hair, at this stage your hair WILL go blue, but after a few washes this will disappear. You now have the perfect white blonde base to start adding the lilac. For this i use three different products, all avaliable at Boots.

Bleach London silver shampoo - £5
Lee Stafford bleach blondes shampoo - £6.99
Lee Stafford bleach blondes hot shots - £7.49

- Every time i wash my hair i use the 'Bleach London silver shampoo' to maintain the grey. 

- The Lee Stafford purple shampoo adds a pinky/purple tone to the hair, so i use this once a week, after shampooing with the silver shampoo and leave it to soak on my hair for 10-15minutes.
- Finally, once a week i also like to use the Lee Stafford Hot Shots, these are best used after shampooing your hair. It says on the box to leave for 2 minutes, but i leave it up to half an hour to get a full effect. (BEWARE: This is a self heating hair treatment and you will have a cold tingling sensation for the duration)
- Use a load of conditioner every time you wash your hair also, keep that hair hydrated.

There you have it, its pretty easy once you get used to the crazy hair washing routine.
If you have any other questions, dont hesitate to leave a comment!


1 comment:

  1. I'd love to go this colour but I think I'd look washed out. Looks stunning on you though, and I love the lashes in the first pic, too!

    Claudia Harriet // Student Lifestyle Blog
